Capacity Building and Institutional Development
CEDRU has always included capacity building and institutional development in its operations. From devising strategies to on-site interventions, CEDRU has engaged in constant dialogue with the population, technicians, and political representatives, making a significant impact on the improvement of the region and its inhabitants. CEDRU’s approach can be viewed as collaborative learning in these domains, leading to the growth and empowerment of individuals and communities.
- Support services to the preparation of tenders
- Institutions action plans
- Organizations implementation studies
- Institutional publications
- Elaboration of monographs
- Communication documents production
- Workshops and seminars organization
- Specialized technical assessorship
- Feasibility studies
- Training sessions
Featured Projects
In 2007, the Ministry of Economy and Innovation, consistent with the guidelines for the national and community energy policy and environmental development, set the installed hydropower capacity national target in 7.000 MW, to be achieved by 2020. To achieve this objective, it was prepared in the same year, the National Plan of Hydroelectric Dams with High Potential (PNBEPH), which set…
Cross-border cooperation between Spain and Portugal has several constraints resulting from differences regarding the institutional and regulatory framework between the two Member States, making the joint management of equipment and collective services of proximity more difficult. Considering this context, the Study consisted of elaborating the scenarios of new joint management models of equipment and collective services of proximity in cross-border…
The Centre for Agri-food Technological Support (CATAA) of Castelo Branco is a service institution providing support for farming and food companies, for: (i) Certification and quality control of products, (ii) Laboratory of physical-chemical and micro-biological analysis (iii) Research promotion, especially applied in nature, in order to optimize the use of regional agro-industrial resources; (iv) Sectoral pilot production for testing the…
Throughout the nineties of last century, the polytechnic education has greatly risen in Portugal, reflecting the adoption of that status, in 1990. The number of students has grown exponentially with the increase of its weight in public higher education, emerging institutions outside the district capitals. The study aimed to carry out an assessment on the feasibility and sustainability of implementing…
Tourism has become one of the areas with the most dynamic growth, asserting itself as a fundamental pillar of economic evolution and a decisive factor in generating employment opportunities, cultural changes and the development of regions and localities. Such dynamic is based specifically on a high elasticity of demand, related to changes in leisure time and income, innovation of tourist…
In recent decades, more responsibility has been attributed to municipalities in the render of services to citizens. Municipalities are required to meet a large number of social needs and local development, such as those related to community facilities, infrastructure for accessibility and basic sanitation, the environmental and public space qualification, valorisation and management of assets and the support to tourism…
Projects developed in the area of Capacity Building and Institutional Development
Erasmus + C-ROADS: Advocating for climate change and justice through participatory skills building
European Comission
Technical and scientific advice about the methodologies to be adopted in the definition of the location of the new Centro Hospitalar do Oeste
Municipality of Caldas da Rainha
Erasmus + SDG NAVIGATOR: Empowering changemakers towards sustainability
European Comission
Acquisition of services for the design and implementation of a monitoring system for public policies in the municipality of Odemira
Municipality of Odemira
Erasmus + LEADING 2030 – Boost post-pandemic business practices for sustainable development for 2030
European Comission
Roadmap for Capacity Building in the Cohesion Policy Funds Ecosystem for the Period 2021-2027 and Ex Ante Evaluation of the Technical Assistance Operational Programme 2021-2027
Agency for Development and Cohesion (AD&C)
Preparation of Documentation for Application Instruction – Soft Mobility
Municipality of Alcobaça
POSEUR Technical Assistance (2015-2019)
General Secretariat / POSEUR, Ministry of Environment
Technical assistance in drawing up a forward-looking assessment of social services of general interest, their logic of territorial implementation and the analysis of their contributions to territorial cohesion for technical assistance for the contribution under the Development and Cohesion Report
Agency for Development and Cohesion (AD & C)
Definition of the Methodological Guide for Operationalization of the Regime for Safeguarding Coastal Risks established under the Coastal Programs
Portuguese Environment Agency (APA)
Definition of the Methodological Guide for Operationalization of the Regime for Safeguarding Coastal Risks established under the Coastal Programs
Portuguese Environment Agency (APA)
Support for the application of the DGPC’s application to the 2020 Center within the scope of Notice No. Centro-14-2017-19 UNESCO Cultural Heritage
DGPC - Directorate General of Cultural Heritage
Technical Support Services for Applications to PO SEUR- Operational Programme for Sustainability and Efficient Use of Resources
Municipal Services of Alcobaça
Technical Support Services for the Application to the Programme – Escolhas 6G
Amato Lusitano – Associação de Desenvolvimento
Procedures Guide and Communication Plan for the Implementation of the Strategic Program for Urban Rehabilitation of the Center of the City of Castelo Branco
Câmara Municipal de Castelo Branco
Technical Support Services for the Application to the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)- Project “Global Passport II”
Amato Lusitano – Associação de Desenvolvimento
Study of Economic and Financial Viability: Municipal Water Supply System for the Parishes of Vestiaria, Bárrio and Cela
Câmara Municipal de Alcobaça
Costs Recovery Study
Serviços Municipalizados de Alcobaça
Community-led Local Development (CLLD) in Castelo Branco
Amato Lusitano – Associação de Desenvolvimento
Elaboration of the document “Cost Recovery”
Municipal Services of Alcobaça
Programming for community and national funds mobilization under the partnership agreement – Portugal 2020
Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Institute
Portugal 2020: Hiring an external expert for the evaluation of territorial development of integrated strategies and subsequent pacts for territorial development and cohesion/ITI
Lisboa e Vale do Tejo Regional Coordination and Development Commission
Elaboration of the E-Cohesion Study under the Studies Plan for Culture
GEPAC - Office for Cultural Strategy, Planning and Evaluation
Elaboration of the Diagnosis on the Training Needs in the Agro-Industry Sector
Partners in the AgriTraining Project (University of Beira Interior, Polytechnic Institutes of Viana do Castelo, Castelo Branco, Coimbra, Guarda and InovCluster – Association of the Centro Agro-industry Cluster)
Evaluation and Design of the Start-Up Project Quality Network
ABAP - Associação Beira Atlântico Parque
Socio-Economic Diagnosis Study of the South Slope of Odivelas
Municipality of Odivelas
Consultancy Services
MPH – Portuguese Monasteries (Association of the Cities with World Heritage Monasteries)
Technical Support Services for the Preparation of the Candidature to Collective Actions Support System (SIAC) InovEnergy – Energy Efficiency in the Agro-Industrial Sector
Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco
Technical Support Services for the Preparation of the Candidature to Collective Actions Support System (SIAC) SIAC EcoDeep – Eco-Efficiency and Eco-management in the Agro-Industrial Sector
Coimbra College of Agriculture
New References for the Joint Management in Cross-border Areas (NoGePaZoT)
Norte Regional Coordination and Development Commission
Technical Support Services for the Preparation of the Business Plan of the Agri-food Technological Support Centre (CATAA) of Castelo Branco
Association of CATAA
Technical Support Services for the Preparation of Applications under the 2007-2013 NSRF
Beira Interior Sul Intermunicipal Community
Study on the Implementation of Tolls on Grreat oporto´s SCUT: Update on criterion of the Ministry for Public Works, Transport and Communication for tolls Implementation
VALSOUSA – Urban Community of Vale do Sousa
Study on the Implementation of the Regional Development Office of Vale do Tua
Action Plan for the Regional Development office of Vale do Tua
Render of Services for supporting the Presentation of Candidatures to MERCA´s Initiative (specific supports to SMEs focused on commerce and services under NSRF)
Municipality of Castelo Branco
Render of Services for supporting the candidature of the Agri-food Technological SUPPORT Centre of Castelo Branco and the Research Centre of Zoonoses (Castelo Branco) to the Support system on Scientific and Technological Infrastructure (SAICT)
Municipality of Castelo Branco
Technical Support Services forthe Preparation of the Candidature to Collective Actions Support System (SIAC) FormAgrI – Applied Training to the Agro-Industrial Sector
InovCluster - Association of the Agro-Industrial Cluster in the Centro Region
“Beira Baixa: Lands of Excellence” – Programme for the Economic Valuation of Endogenous Resources. Preparation of the Pre-application for co-financing the Costs of the Coordination Structure and Partnership Management
Intermunicipal Community of Beira Interior Sul
Consultancy to support the Preparation of the candidature to the support System on the Scientific and Technological Infrastructure
IPL – Polytechnic Institute of Leiria
Technical Support Services for the Preparation of the Candidature to Collective Actions Support System (SIAC) GovCluster – Animation, Coordination and Management of the Cluster
InovCluster - Association of the Agro-Industrial Cluster in the Centro Region
Render of Services for supporting the candidature of the Centre for Innovative Enterprises (Castelo Branco) to the Support System on Parks of Science and Technology, and Incubators of Technology-based Companies (SAPCT)
Municipality of Castelo Branco
Elaboration of the Action Plan for the Programme for Economic Enhancement of Endogenous Resources (PROVERE) “Beira Baixa: Lands of Excellence”
Municipality of Castelo Branco
Study on the Support Measures for the Local Production and the Specific Regime for supply in the Autonomous Region of Madeira
ADERAM – Agência de Desenvolvimento da Região Autónoma da Madeira (Office for the Development of the Madeira Autonomous Region)
Render of Services for the Development of a Strategy of Collective Efficiency – Competition for the Recognition of Competitiveness Poles and Technology and Other Clusters – Cluster Agro-industrial of Centro Region
Municipality of Castelo Branco
Render of Services for the elaboration of the Candidature to the PROGRAMME MODELAR (financial supports for non-profitable private legal persons), under the National Network for integrated Continued Care
Municipality of Vila de Rei
Development of Preparatory Actions for the Organization of a Tender for the Municipalities from the Beira Baixa area to PROVERE(Programme for the Economic Enhancement of Endogenous Resources)
Development of Preparatory Actions for the Organization of a Tender for the Municipalities from the “Zona dos Mármores” (Marble Industry Region) to PROVERE (Programme for the Economic Enhancement of Endogenous Resources)
Municipality of Borba
Technical Analysis on the Efficiency of the Solid Waste Management in the Municipality of Funchal
Municipality of Funchal
Assessorship to the Municipality of PENICHE in the Protocol with the Health Ministry
Municipality of Peniche
Elaboration of Written and Graphical Contents of the book “Tomar, uma Cidade em Mudança”
Municipality of Tomar
“Pavilion of Portugal, within the Scope of the Portuguese Participation in the International Exhibition – Expo Zaragoza 2008”
Parque Expo
Elaboration of the Action Programme PROVERE, for “Zona dos Mármores” (MARBLE industry region)
Municipality of Borba
Study on the Opportunity and Feasibility of the Creation of an Important Tourism and Business Pole and Congress Centre in Pedrouço’s Waterfront
Parque Expo
Assessorship in the Elaboration of the Specific Plan for the Pedrouços 2010 Project
Parque Expo
Preparation of Project Sheets for the West Action Plan (NSRF 2007-2013)
Municipality of Nazaré
Study on the Proposal to the Closure of the Emergency Unit of são pedro telmo Hospital of Peniche
Municipality of Peniche
Study on the evaluation of Impacts of the Implantation of a Large Commercial Unit in the City of Leiria
Consultancy for the strategic monitoring study on the urban community initiative programme
Municipality of Lisbon
Technical Assistance and Consultancy on the Elaboration of the Implementation Plan of the National strategy for Sustainable Development (ENDS), in Environmental and land use Planning Domains
Environment Institute (MCOTA - Ministry for Towns, Territorial Planning and Environment)
Monograph for the Municipality of Figueiró dos Vinhos
Municipality of Figueiró dos Vinhos
Feasibility and Sustainability Evaluation Study of the Enhancement Programme of the Waterfront of Moita
Municipality of Moita
Feasibility Study of the Project Mafra Real
Municipality of Mafra
Evaluation Study of Poles of the Entrepreneurial Association of the Lisbon Region (AERLIS) and the Entrepreneurial Association of Santarém Region (NERSANT)
Lisboa e Vale do Tejo Regional Coordination and Development Commission
Preparation of the Publication “II Community Support Framework Balance – Centro Region Operational Programme (PROCENTRO) 1994/99”
Centro Regional Coordination and Development Commission
Comparative Study on the Feasibility of the 3rd Nabão River Crossing Road in Tomar
Municipality of Tomar
Feasibility Study for the Implantation of a Golf Course in the Leiria/Fátima Tourism Region
Leiria/Fátima Tourism Region
Study on the candidature preparation of vale de alcântara urban zone to the URBAN II Community Initiative Programme
Gabinete de Reconversão do Casal Ventoso (a Governmental Office that helped and supported drug addicts in that specific area of Lisbon) – Municipality of Lisboa
Study on the Feasibility of a College of Sea Technology
Municipality of Peniche
Study “Privatization Domains within the Scope of Municipalities Prerogatives”
Norte Regional Coordination and Development Commission
EUREKA Programme: Workshop and Evaluation Report
EUREKA Organisation (Brussels)
Study on the Framework, Economic Feasibility, and Schedule of the Urbanization of Portela da Vila – Torres Vedras
Handbook of Assessment Methods for Examining Community and Interest Group Attitudes to Tourism-Environment Relationships: Design, Testing and Evaluation in Comparative Case Studies of the Baixo Mondego (Portugal) and South West England (UK)
DG XXII of the Committee of European Communities
Study on the Economic and Financial Feasibility of Navigation of the River Tejo (Cala do Norte)
Lisbon Port Authority
Feasibility Studies on the Industrial Park in Moita and Vale da Amoreira
Municipality of Moita
Conceptual Project, Architecture and Engineering for the industrial park in Moita
Municipality of Moita
Organisation of the exhibition VALIS – Reorganisation of Lisbon
DGXVI, which took place in October/November 1990, in the exhibition hall of MPAT (Ministry of Planning and Territorial Administration) at Terreiro do Paço