Featured Projects
Capital of a vast country and city-metropolis with rapid population growth and changing land, the urban shape of the Algiers metropolis has evolved over the past decades, from a highly centralized structure, in which the old and colonial town played a polarizing role on employment and public and private functions, to an increasingly polycentric structure resulting from the urban and…
The monument-sanctuary of Christ the King annually mobilizes a significant number of visitors, motivated by faith and the uniqueness of landscape perspectives that the site provides. Currently, this site is little more than a sightseeing platform, with no built and landscape elements for enhancement, and does not reveal a functional interaction with the city of Almada, particularly with some areas…
The city of Tomar is strongly marked by Geography, where the Nabão river is a structural element in the structuring of the urban space, working simultaneously as an element of unity but also a barrier for urban development process. Trying to reassert itself as a regional hub, with increasing fostering and polarization ability of populations and economic activities as a…
By the end of the twentieth century, Castelo Branco highlights an atmosphere of material and socioeconomic prosperity, while presenting itself as an island in a vast territory in desertification, with limited interaction with the surrounding regional and suburban centres, both in Portugal and Spain. In a context of making good use of new accessibilities, enhancing the road and rail ways,…
The 1998 World Expo, the EXPO’98 in Lisbon, was guided by two major goals strongly articulated: the achievement of the World Expo and the urban regeneration of a large area of 340 hectares, located in the eastern part of the city, by the time occupied by obsolete industrial units. The exposition boosted the urban, environmental and functional regeneration of the area, allowing…
The entry of the country in the European Community has given the capital new challenges and opportunities for integration and competition. A study in the late eighties by DATAR – Délégation à l’Aménagement du Territoire et à l’Attractivité Régionale on European cities, hierarchically ranked Lisbon in the fifth position, but outlined that the city needs to evolve more towards functional qualification than…
Projects developed in the area of Urban Planning
Satisfaction Surveys and Support and Analysis Documents – PEDU (Strategic Plan for Urban Development) of Alcobaça
Municipality of Alcobaça
Urban Greening Plan
Municipality of Sintra
Socio-economic studies associated with the implementation of the Urban Rehabilitation Area (ARU) of Castelo Branco
Municipality of Castelo Branco
Amendment of the Escarpão Detail Plan
Elaboration of the proposals for the delimitation of the ARUs and of Strategic Urban Rehabilitation Programs for the municipality of Castelo Branco- City and villages
Municipality of Castelo Branco
Strategic Plan for the Urban Development of Guarda
Municipality of Guarda
Strategic Plan for the Urban Development of Amadora
Municipality of Amadora
Strategic Plan for the Urban Development of Castelo Branco
Municipality of Castelo Branco
Strategic Plan for the Urban Development of Peniche
Municipality of Peniche
Amadora 2020: Municipal Strategy for urban regeneration
Municipality of Amadora
Elaboration of the Strategic Programme for Borba’s Urban Regeneration
Municipality of Borba
Elaboration of the Strategic Programme for Alenquer’s Urban Regeneration
Municipality of Alenquer
Urban Enhancement Programme for the educational and Sports Pole of Paredes
Municipality of Alenquer
Study on the Integration of POLIS Programme (Programme for Cities Environmental and Urban Reclassification) in the Development of the City of Tomar – Strategic Plan for the City of Tomar 2015 and Action Plan 2007-2013
Municipality of Tomar
Programme for the Urban Regeneration of Trancoso
Municipality of Trancoso
Strategic programme for the Urban Regeneration of Guarda
Municipality of Guarda
Land Use Management and Urban Master Plan for the Algiers’ Wilaya
Wilaya d'Alger (Argélia)
Study on the Strategic Framework of the National Sanctuary of Christ the King
Municipality of Almada
Study on the Regeneration Project of the Nabão Riverbanks
Municipality of Tomar
Detailed Plan for Abas da Raposeira
Municipality of Almada
Detailed Plan for São João da Caparica
Municipality of Almada
Detailed Plan for Torrão
Municipality of Almada
Detailed Plan for Quinta D. Antónia (sub hired from Pedro George & Associados)
Municipality of Bombarral
Study on a strategic framework for São João da Caparica – Trafaria
Safeguard detailed Plan and Enhancement of the Historic Core of the Mina de S. Domingos
Municipality of Mértola
Urban Enhancement Programme of the Village of Bombarral
Municipality of Bombarral
Urban Enhancement Programme of the City of Tomar
Municipality of Tomar
Preparation of the Regenaration Project of the Nabão Riverbanks for Tomar Candidature to POLIS Programme (Urban and Environmental Cities’ Regeneration Programme)
Municipality of Tomar
Urban Requalification and Environmental Enhancement Project of the Alenquer Riverbanks
Municipality of Alenquer
Development and Urban Enhancement Operational Programme of the City of Guarda
Municipality of Guarda
Environmental Enhancement and Urban Regeneration Project for the Historic Centre of the City of Portalegre
Municipality of Portalegre
Previous Study for the Railway Station Zone
Municipality of Castelo Branco
Revitalisation Project of the “Villa Romana de Pisões”
Municipality of Beja
Touristic, Entertaining and Environmental Enhancement of the Vala de Alpiarça
Association of Municipalities of Lezíria do Tejo
Strategic Plan for Castelo Branco 2020
Municipality of Castelo Branco
Action Plan for the Historic and Architectural Enhancement of the Village of Barrancos and Noudar
Municipality of Barrancos
Action Plan for the Revitalisation of the Historic Village of Alvito
Municipality of Alvito
Special Commercial Urbanism Project for Benfica – Global Study
Lisbon Traders Associations Union and the Municipality of Lisbon
Revitalisation Study of the Historic Centre of the Village of Barrancos – Commercial Urbanism Intervention – Global Study
Trade Association of the District of Beja and the Municipality of Barrancos
Revitalisation Study of the Historic Centre of the Village of Mértola – Commercial Urbanism Intervention – Global Study
Trade Association of the District of Beja and the Municipality of Mértola
Revitalisation Study of the Urban Centre of Gondomar – Commercial Urbanism Intervention – Global Study
Trade Association and the Municipality of Gondomar
Revitalisation Study of the Historic Centre of the Village of Alvito – Commercial Urbanism Intervention – Global Study
Trade Association of the District of Beja and Municipality of Alvito
VALIS – Enhancing Lisbon – Phase 3
DG XVI of the Commission of the European Communities
Detailed Plan for the Military Building of Rua Artilharia Um (PM/68)
Ministry of National Defence
VALIS – Study and Strategic Plan for the Preservation of the Architectonic and Urban Heritage of Lisbon, linked to Economic and Social Development
DGXVI of the Commission of the European Communities
Study on the Location of EXPO 98
Promotion Committee of Lisboa’s International Exposition of 1998
VALIS – Study and Strategic Plan for Lisbon’s Urbanistic and Architetural Heritage Preservation, in the Relation with Social and Economic Development
DG XVI of the Committee of European Communities