Featured Projects
Mais Centro – Regional Operational Programme of the Centro 2007-2013 is an instrument of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) with exclusive application to the Central Region (NUTS II). It has an ERDF budget of 1.7 billion Euros, which is associated with a national contribution of about 1.2 billion, leveraging a total investment of 2.9 billion Euros over the seven…
The Community Support Framework for Portugal for the 2000-2006 (CSF III) period led to the implementation of the Commission’s proposals accepted by the Berlin European Council (1999) and developed in the various legislative instruments adopted after the approval of the “Agenda 2000: For a stronger and wider Union “[COM(97) 2000]. To respond to the social, economic and territorial development problems…
The regional land use management plans (PROT) set the regional strategy for territorial development, integrating the options defined at the national level and considering the municipal strategies for local development, constituting the reference framework for the elaboration of the municipal land use management plans (PMOT). The PROTAL was approved by the Decree No. 11/91 of March 21. However, preventive measures…
Portugal’s integration in the European Economic Community in 1986, allowed, on the one hand, access to financial support for development particularly high and essential to catch up the structural delay (economic, social, cultural and territorial) that the country revealed. On the other hand, it raised new questions and challenges about the new development model to be pursued and the priority areas for…
The Regional Development Plan (RDP) for Portugal for the 1994-1999 period was one of the elements of the document “Preparing Portugal for the XXI Century” presented by Portugal to the European Commission, according to the guidelines set in the Regulation (EEC) No. 2081/93. The RDP set as broad guidelines in order to reduce the development gap in comparison to other…
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) predominate in the Portuguese business structure, especially in more traditional economic sectors. The weaknesses shown by SMEs are varied in nature, most notably in the first place, the skills of entrepreneurs, as most do not have appropriate technical and vocational education and thus show greater difficulties to react and adapt to the economy global changes.…
Projects developed in the area of Evaluation and Monitoring
European Comission - DG Regio
Evaluation Helpdesk 2022
European Comission - DG Regio
Synthesis of the ex-post evaluation of Cohesion policy 2014-2020
European Comission
Mid-term Evaluation of the Norte OP 2014-2020
Norte Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR Norte)
Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Operational Programme to be implemented in Portugal under the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) in the programming period 2021-2027
Managing Authority of OP Mar2020
Assessment of the supply needs of collective equipment in the municipality of Portimão considering scenarios of demographic evolution
Gravity Intuition SA
Mid-term evaluation of the Alentejo OP 2014-2020
Alentejo Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR Alentejo)
Ex Ante Evaluation and Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Algarve Regional Operational Programme 2021-2027
Algarve Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR Algarve)
Evaluation of the Contribution of Portugal 2020 to the National Strategy for the Sea 2013-2020
Directorate General of Sea Policy
Mid-Term Evaluation of the Centro OP 2014-2020
Centro Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR Centro)
Acquisition of External Services under the Monitoring and Evaluation Action of the Project included in the Network for Access to Services of General Interest in the Alentejo
Alentejo Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR Alentejo)
Mid-term Evaluation of the Algarve OP 2014-2020
Algarve Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR Algarve)
Study on the monitoring data on ERDF and Cohesion Fund operations and on the monitoring systems operated in the 2014-2020 period
European Comission - DG Regio
Evaluation Helpdesk 2021
European Comission - DG Regio
Evaluation Helpdesk 2020
European Comission - DG Regio
Mid-term Evaluation of the Madeira OP
Regional Development Institute (IDR)
Analysis of the requirements on evaluation of State aid in the 28 Member States and in-depth analysis of implementation of the evaluation requirement in the cases for which an evaluation plan will be under discussion or approved by a Commission decision by 31.12.2019
European Comission - DG Competition
Evaluation of the Portugal2020 contribute increase adult qualifications and employability, Lot 2 – Evaluation of the Portugal2020 contribute to increase employed adult qualifications and job quality
Evaluation of the Portugal2020 contribute increase adult qualifications and employability, Lot 1 – Evaluation of the Portugal2020 contribute to increase adult qualification and (re)insertion in the labour market
Strategic Environmental Assessment of the INTERREG V-A Program Spain-France-Andorra (POCTEFA) 2021-2027
Work Community of the Pyrenees
Update and Final Phase of the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Review of the Coruche Master Plan
Municipality of Coruche
Evaluation of the Implementation of the Operational Programme Mar 2020 (OP Mar2020)
MAR2020 Managing Authority.
Evaluation of the Implementation of Measures to Reinforce the Transition to a Low Carbon Economy (TO4)
Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy.
Strategic Environmental Assessment – Review of the Sobral de Monte Agraço Master Plan
Municipality of Sobral de Monte Agraço
Elaboration of a study under the Revision of the Municipal Master Plan of Amadora – Environmental area
Municipality of Amadora
Mid-term Evaluation Study of the INTERREG V-A Cooperation Program Spain-Portugal MAC (Madeira-Azores-Canary Islands) 2014-2020 (POMAC 2014-2020)
Technical Secretariat of POMAC 2014-2020
Evaluation of the Operationalization of the Territorial Approach of Portugal 2020 in the context of Convergence and Territorial Cohesion
Agency for Development and Cohesion (AD & C)
JESSICA Impact Assessment Study in Portugal
Comité de Investimento do Fundo JESSICA em Portugal
Specific Evaluation on the Application of Financial Instruments in the Efficient Management of the Urban Water Cycle
Autoridade de Gestão do POSEUR
Review of evaluations of cohesion policy 2007-13 and of structured approach to the review of 2014-20 evaluation plans
General Directorate of Urban and Regional Policy of the European Commission
Portugal 2020: hiring an external expert for the evaluation of territorial development of integrated strategies and subsequent pacts for territorial development and cohesion/ITI
Lisboa e Vale do Tejo Regional Coordination and Development Commission
2014 annual implementation report of the thematic operational programme of territory enhancement
Managing Authority of the Thematic Operational Programme of Territory Enhancement
Ex-Post evaluation of cohesion policy programmes 2007-2013, focusing on the ERDF and cohesion fund – work package thirteen: geography of expenditure
General Directorate of Urban and Regional Policy of the European Commission
External evaluation of the project “Young (He)Art”
Aga Khan Foundation
External evaluation of the PEI project – promoting immigrant entrepreneurship
ACIDI - High Commission for Immigrant and Intercultural Dialogue
Final evaluation of Provere – “Reinventing and Discovering – from Nature to Culture”
CIMAL - Intermunicipal Community of Alentejo Litoral
Ex-Ante evaluation and environmental strategy of the Norte operational programme
Financial Institute for Regional Development, I.P.
Ex-Ante evaluation and environmental strategy of the operational programme for sustainability and efficient use of resources
Financial Institute for Regional Development, I.P.
Ex-Ante evaluation and environmental strategy of the operational programme for social inclusion and employment
Financial Institute for Regional Development, I.P.
Ex-Ante evaluation and environmental strategy of the Algarve operational programme
Financial Institute for Regional Development, I.P.
Ex-Ante evaluation of the territorial cooperation programme for the Atlantic space (2014-2020)
Managing Authority of the OP for the Atlantic Space Territorial Cooperation
Evaluation of the territorial cooperation programme for Spain-Portugal (2014-2020)
Managing Authority of the OP for the Atlantic Space Territorial Cooperation
Mid-term evaluation study of the Centro operational programme
Centro Regional Coordination and Development Commission
Ex-Ante evaluation of the territorial cooperation programme for the European Southwest (2014-2020)
Managing Authority of the OP for the European Southwest Territorial Cooperation
Technical assistance to the preparation of the structural programming period 2014-2020 of the Autonomous Region of the Azores
Regional Directorate for Planning and Structural Funds
Strategic environmental evaluation under the review on the Estremoz master plan
Municipality of Estremoz
Mid-term Evaluation of the Territorial Enhancement Operational Programme
Managing Authority of the Territorial Enhancement Operational Programme
Mid-term evaluation study of the Algarve 21 operational programme
Algarve Regional Coordination and Development Commission
Evaluation Study of the Contribution of the NSRF Interventions within the Urban Context for Energy Efficiency Increase
NSRF Observatory
Evaluation study of the contribution of the NSRF for the social inclusion of people living in problem urban areas
NSRF Observatory
Ex-Post evaluation of the regional aid guidelines for 2007-2013
Ramboll Management GmbH
Render of Services for the Follow-up and Monitoring of the Implementation of the EEC InovCluster action programme
InovCluster – Association of the Centro Agro-Industrial Cluster
Evaluation of the Communication Plan for the Transnational Cooperation Programme between Madeira, Azores, and Canary ISLAND (MAC) 2007-2013
Joint Technical Secretariat of the MAC Transnational Cooperation Project
Mid-term External Evaluation Study of K’Cidade Urban Community support Programme
Aga Khan Foundation
Evaluation of Mais Comunicação – Mais Centro Communication Plan
Centro Regional Coordination and Development Commission
Evaluation of the Implementation of ON2 – Regional Operational Programme of the Norte Region – in the Context of the NSRF Strategy for 2007-2008
Norte Regional Coordination and Development Commission
Manual of Indicators for monitoring land use management in the Autonomous Region of the Azores
Gaspar Frutuoso´s Foundation
Expert Evaluation Network Delivering Policy Analysis on the Performance of Cohesion Policy 2007-2013 (2007-2010)
European Commission
Render of services for the Follow-up, Monitoring and Evaluation of the development Territorial programme of Tâmega
Intermunicipal Community of Tâmega e Sousa
Evaluation of Mais Centro Implementation – Regional Operational Programme of the Centro – under CSF Strategic Context during the 2007-2008 period
Centro Regional Coordination and Development Commission
Evaluation of the Implementation of the Operational programme Proconvergência – under the Context of the NSRF Strategy for 2007-2008
Regional Directorate of Planning and Structural Funds of the Azores
Follow-up and Monitoring of the Territorial Programme for the Development of Tâmega
Intermunicipal Community of Tâmega e Sousa
Study for the comaprative Technical Analysis on the Location Alternatives for the New Lisbon Airport in the area of OTA and Campo de Tiro de Alcochete – land use management area of evaluation – Contribution for the Analysis on the Comments Resulting from the Strategic Environmental evaluation study and preparation of a Final Report
National Civil Engineering Laboratory (LNEC)
Environmental Impact Study on the link between the High-speed Railway and the Western Rail
RAVE - Rede Ferroviária de Alta Velocidade, S.A. (High Speed Railway Network)
Detailed plan for the strategic environmental evaluation of Escarpão
Municipality of Albufeira
Ex-Post Evaluation Study on the Rural Development Programme of Mainland Portugal (RURIS)
Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
Ex-post Evaluation of Cohesion Policy Programmes 2000-2006 financed by the European Regional Development Fund (Objective 1 and 2). Work Package 1: Coordination, Analysis and Synthesis
European Commission
Ex-post Evaluation of INTERREG III A (Spain-Portugal) 2000-2006
European Commission
Study on the foreseeable Impacts of Alqueva Multipurpose project on the Configuration of Human Resources of Alentejo
Employment and Vocational Training Institute
Render of Services for the Monitoring and Evaluation within the scope of the Lisbon URBAN II Community Initiative Programme (2006-2008) – Vale de Alcântara
Municipality of Lisboa
Study on a Comparative Evaluation for the Best Location for the marina of nazaré
Municipality of Nazaré
Identification, Evaluation and Public Communication Studies of the Social Economic Impacts on Foz Tua Hydroelectric installation
Portuguese Electricity Production Company
Mid-Term Evaluation Study update on the Operational Programme for the Centro Region 2000-2006 (PROCENTRO)
Centro Regional Coordination and Development Commission
Mid-Term Evaluation Study update on the Operational Programme for the Norte Region 2000-2006 (ON)
Regional Coordination and Development Commission
Mid-Term Evaluation Study update on the Operational Programme for the Algarve Region 2000-2006 (PROALGARVE)
Algarve Regional Coordination and Development Commission
Mid-Term Evaluation Study update on the multi-fund Operational Programme for the Autonomous Region of Madeira – 2000-2006 (POPRAM)
Instituto de Gestão de Fundos Comunitários (Management of Community Funds Institute)
Mid-Term Evaluation Study update on the Operational Programme for the Autonomous Region of the Azores 2000-2006 (PRODESA)
Regional Government of Azores
Mid-Term Evaluation Study update on the Operational Programme for Accessibilities and Transport – 2000-2006 (CSF III)
Ministry for Public Works, Transports and Housing
External Evaluation Study of the Regional Programme for Innovative actions of the Alentejo region 2003-2004 (PRAI ALENTEJO)
Alentejo Regional Coordination and Development Commission
Study update on the Community Support Framework 2000-2006
Management Commission of CSF III
Evaluation of the project for Entrepreneurial Extension Network of Socio-Economic Fostering, developed by the Algarve´s Entrepreneurs Confederation (CEAL) and co-financed by the Operational Programme of the Algarve Region (PROALGARVE)
Algarve Regional Coordination and Development Commission
Mid-Term Evaluation Study of the Operational Programme for the Algarve Region 2000-2006 (PROALGARVE)
Algarve Regional Coordination and Development Commission
Monitoring and Evaluation Study of the Implementation of the Lisbon URBAN II Programme – Vale de Alcântara
Municipality of Lisboa
Mid-term Evaluation Study of the 2000-2006 Community Support Framework (CSF III)
Directorate-General of Regional Development
Mid-Term Evaluation Study of the Operational Programme for the Centro Region (CSF III)
Centro Regional Coordination and Development Commission
Mid-Term Evaluation Study of the multi-fund Operational Programme of the Autonomous Region of the Azores
Regional Government of the Azores
Mid-Term Evaluation Study of the multi-fund Operational Programme of the Autonomous Region of Madeira in the Context of the CSF III (2000-2006)
Instituto de Gestão de Fundos Comunitários (Management of Community Funds Institute)
Mid-Term Evaluation Study of the Operational Programme for Accessibilities and Transport– 2000-2006 (CSF III)
Ministry for Public Works, Transports and Housing
Technical evaluation study of the Social, Economic and Environmental Impact from II Pole – Economic Activities Zone from the Village of Bombarral
Municipality of Bombarral
Mid-Term Evaluation Study of the Operational Programme for the Norte Region (CSF III)
Norte Regional Coordination and Development Commission
EX-Post Evaluation Study of the Programme LEADER II of Vale do Lima (1995/1999)
Integrated Rural Development Association of the Lima Region
Render of Services for the Technical Evaluation of projects concerning Investments in infrastructures co-financed by the ERDF in CSF III
Employment and Vocational Training Institute
Evaluation of the Impacts on the Vasco da Gama Bridge
Observatório da Nova Travessia do Tejo (Observatory of the New Crossing over the River Tejo)
Impact Study of the Allotment Project – Quimiparque
Áquatro (CUF)
Study on the Selection of the Urban Areas to be financed by the Community Initiative Programme – URBAN II, its ex-ante evaluation and strategic definition
Directorate-General of the Regional Development
Study on the Social and Economic Impact of the programmes “tourism for senior people” and “health and thermal treatment for senior people”
Ex-ante Evaluation of the Operational Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (CSF III)
Agro-Food Policy and Planning Office, from the Ministry for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries
Study on the Evaluation of Impacts of the Structural Funds in SME’s
DGXXII of the Committee of European Communities
Evaluation Study of the Regional Plan of Land Use Management of the Algarve (1989-96)
Algarve Regional Coordination and Development Commission
Mid-Term Evaluation Study of the URBAN Community Initiative
Directorate-General of the Regional Development